Seattle and Tacoma Child Custody Attorneys
Helping parents retain custody and access to their children
Among the most acrimonious of issues that often arise in divorce or separation proceedings are those related to child custody. A parent’s relationship with his or her children can be among the most important in his or her life, and disputes over child custody can be extremely emotionally taxing. As a result, it is important to have a clear-headed and emotionally neutral advocate representing your interests, as well as one who is familiar with Washington State’s often confusing child custody laws. The lawyers of the Dickson Legal Group have over 100 years of combined experience practicing law and bring that experience to the table for each client we represent.
CALL 206-621-1110 (Seattle), 253-572-1000 (Tacoma), 360-742-3500 (Olympia), 971-416-0881 (Portland) for a CONSULTATION WITH ONE OF OUR EXPERIENCED ATTORNEYS.
Washington Child Custody Laws
Under Washington law, issues related to child custody are addressed in a court-ordered “parenting plan.” These plans are created in order to provide for a child’s physical care, emotional stability, changing needs, establish the authority and responsibilities of each parent as they relate to the child, minimize a child’s exposure to conflict between the parents, encourage both parents to meet their responsibilities without court intervention, and otherwise provide for the best interests of the child.
Both parents and courts have wide discretion when creating a parenting plan, so it is important for parties to a child custody dispute to retain legal counsel. There are many issues that should be addressed in a proposed parenting plan, including the following:
- The child’s living arrangements
- Each parent’s financial responsibilities to the child
- The visitation rights of a non-custodial parent
- Allocation of decision-making authority as to health care, education, and religion
- Processes for dispute resolution
There are certain issues that may arise that may cause a court to reject a proposed parented plan or to significantly limit a party’s parental rights. To ensure that you obtain the best possible outcome in your child custody matter, you should be sure to discuss your case with an experienced Washington child custody lawyer.
Contact the Dickson Frohlich Phillips Burgess now for a consultation
The assistance of an attorney can have a significant impact on the outcome of a child custody dispute. In addition to representing you in any court proceedings, an attorney may be able to negotiate a mutually agreeable compromise with your former partner in a way that you are unable due to your emotional involvement in the situation. With over 100 years of family law experience, our lawyers have the experience and skill necessary to obtain the most favorable outcome possible in a variety of family law matters.
CALL ONE OF OUR OFFICES NOW 206-621-1110 (Seattle), 253-572-1000 (Tacoma), 360-742-3500 (Olympia), 971-416-0881 (Portland) for a CONSULTATION WITH ONE OF OUR EXPERIENCED WASHINGTON FAMILY LAW ATTORNEYS.